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The BULLETIN is the way keep our community updated with the latest in missions news and thinking from Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world. If it’s happening in Aotearoa New Zealand and it’s missions, we will let you know via MI Link updates.


Missions Interlink New Zealand is the association of mission organisations and mission passionate people in Aotearoa New Zealand. We walk together into the future of mission with our membership of more than 100 organisations, churches and individuals. Together, we represent approximately 1,500 workers in mission from and within Aotearoa New Zealand. We are but one of many national and regional evangelical missions associations around the world.

Who We Are

Find out about Missions Interlink, where we’ve come from, and where we’re going. Click the icon for more.

What We Do

Missions Interlink works for the benefit of the missions community. Click the icon for more.

Where It's Done

We choose the space, you make the time, wonders ensue. Click the icon for more.

Who's Who?

Our members are (will be) listed. Find them here. Click the icon for more.



Membership is by application and subject to the approval of the Missions Interlink Council, but we welcome anyone who is participating in mission from or within Aotearoa New Zealand.


Our ultimate aim is to see disciples developed everywhere, baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, passionate in their worship of God, growing in their unique gifts of service and actively involved in extending God’s kingdom around the world. To achieve this, we work with our members to encourage mission promotion, training, advocacy, support, recruitment, sending, ministering, caring, sustaining, and receiving. Because we believe this is best done in partnership between mission workers, local churches and organisations that specialize in helping people to carry out and stay on mission.


We provide a missions consultancy service to help individuals, member organisations, governance teams, church mission teams and churches navigate their way through the tides of change buffeting mission theology and practice. To arrange an appointment or to chat about what’s possible, get in touch.


We keep apprised of the latest missions thinking from around the world and within Aotearoa New Zealand. Together, as a community, our research produces training material, handbooks, guidelines, codes of practice and articles that help our members navigate their way into a fruitful future and stay on mission.


We formally represent the missions community of Aotearoa New Zealand globally and locally: to the Church, in academic circles, before government, and to the global missions community. Our aim is to listen to and amplify a cohesive narrative of mission from and within Aotearoa New Zealand to bless the nations.

Show Your Manaakitanga

Show Your Manaakitanga

Missions Interlink is a registered charity reliant on the generosity of mission passionate people and organisations.

Your koha (donation) can help us further the cause of mission from and within Aotearoa New Zealand.

We call this manaakitanga - sharing the love.

Click here to make a donation.

Kia ora! Thank you.