MI link

MI link is the regular publication of Missions Interlink. We aim to keep the missions community of Aotearoa connected, share stories and give a kiwi angle on missions.

We welcome feedback, contributions and suggestions for MI link content. Around the 20th of each month we contact subscribers to invite them to participate by providing content. As the name suggests, it is a community connection space.


Missions Interlink BULLETIN

September 2024

Missions Interlink BULLETIN

August 2024

Show Your Manaakitanga

Show Your Manaakitanga

Missions Interlink is a registered charity reliant on the generosity of mission passionate people and organisations.

Your koha (donation) can help us further the cause of mission from and within Aotearoa New Zealand.

We call this manaakitanga - sharing the love.

Click here to make a donation.

Kia ora! Thank you.