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Christine Turner
PO Box 13457, Onehunga, Auckland 1643
Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. Their vision set the course of AIM for over 120 years, as a community called and sent to live and minister among Africa’s least-reached peoples. This call still remains.

Long-term and short term opportunities. Long-Term (full term) is for those who seek to invest themselves into longer-term ministry. Ranging from one year to an entire career, AIM’s Full Term assignments enable believers to use their gifts, training and life experience to make a difference in world mission. Individual assignments vary widely, but all contribute to AIM’s mission of Christ-centered churches among all African peoples. There are 2 options for full-term service: Individual Placements (1 year or more) and Team Placements (2-3 years).

The majority of Africa Inland Mission’s full-term personnel had their start in mission through a short-term ministry assignment. Our hope is that those who serve through AIM’s Short-Term program will grow in their vision for cross-cultural ministry, and one day enter full-term ministry. And we’ve developed our assignments to nurture that vision. There are 2 options for short-term service: Individual Placements (up to 1 year) and Team Placements (up to 3 months).

Find out more here:

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Kia ora! Thank you.