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Tony Plews
P O Box 68208, Newton, Auckland 1145, New Zealand
LeaDev-Langham is a missions network working in Asia-Pacific supporting the development of next generation leaders, pastors, church planters and Bible teachers within their countries where God is already at work.

We work predominantly through Partner Schools and their ministries in Asia-Pacific, but our global networks extend throughout the Majority World: Africa, Asia, Latin America, Pasifika and the Middle East.

We work relationally with the leaders in each Partner School; we don’t do the work for them, or even join their Boards. Rather we come alongside and encourage them within their ministry and context. We also invite them to give steer to our investment; and in doing this we find that our lives are deeply and meaningfully influenced by them.

We believe working in this way is the most strategic, long term, and sustainable contribution western Christians and churches can make in reaching, teaching and discipling the world’s unreached billions.

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Missions Interlink is a registered charity reliant on the generosity of mission passionate people and organisations.

Your koha (donation) can help us further the cause of mission from and within Aotearoa New Zealand.

We call this manaakitanga - sharing the love.

Click here to make a donation.

Kia ora! Thank you.