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Andrew Marriott
PO Box 35260, Browns Bay, Auckland 0753
MotiVate NZ is the New Zealand office of Missionary Ventures International – a ‘servant’ organisation - empowering and equipping National Leaders and partner ministries in more than 100 nations.

Our heart is to see the Good News of Jesus, and the life transformation He brings, spread among all peoples and nations through intentional discipleship.

Our five ministry initiatives provide a framework for our global activity:
Bible Training
Christian Education
Church Planting
Health and Community Development

Through our International partnership with Christian Motorcyclists' Association, we provide essential transportation for pastors, church planters and evangelists in some of the most remote parts of the world.

We also support, and often lead, Disaster Relief efforts in areas where we can quickly mobilise personnel and obtain locally sourced relief items.

Volunteer at the New Zealand office (in person or remotely)
Short-term mission trip (within NZ and overseas)
Mission Internships (up to 12 months)
Mid- to Long-term missionary service (2 years or more)

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Missions Interlink is a registered charity reliant on the generosity of mission passionate people and organisations.

Your koha (donation) can help us further the cause of mission from and within Aotearoa New Zealand.

We call this manaakitanga - sharing the love.

Click here to make a donation.

Kia ora! Thank you.